Friday, July 24, 2009

So Disappointed

As if everyone who doesn't live in New Jersey already believes our state is totally corrupt, now they have many more reasons. It's so disappointing that the mayors of 3 cities are on the take, but rabbis ? I know I'm very naive, and I'm not a religious person. In fact, I don't believe in organized religion at all. Too many rules, and too much hypocrisy. But, I thought rabbis were maybe above that.
Turns out I'm wrong. The head rabbis of Deal and Brooklyn have been caught laundering money and trafficking in human organs. UGH! I was actually kind-of a member of that Syrian community for a time, being married (first time) to a Syrian Jew from Deal. Never truly accepted, I did, however, learn a lot about their customs and lifestyle. They are an extremely close-knit group, not allowing others in, and protecting their own. This is why I am so surprised that one of their own 'ratted'.
The sting that the FBI arranged employed a SY (short for Syrian Jew) Real estate developer. He was arrested a few years ago for fraud, and obviously, he made a deal with the FBI to implicate the rabbis of Deal & Brooklyn, as well as the mayors of 3 major towns in NJ.
I understand that money is the goal for almost everyone. And most people in that SY Community do have a lot of money. But I am just saddened that these supposed men of g-d stooped so low, and fell so far. It makes me kinda sick.
And it sure doesn't help our reputation in New Jersey, at all.

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