So, I've been cooking a lot lately. I mean, I always have cooked a lot, but sometimes it just seems like a lot of work for only 2 people. It took me a while to get used to making less food, 'cause I was still cooking for more than just me & Rich. But I'm better now, I just make a little more than I need, and then we have left-over night, or lunch.

While some of you know about Wegmans, for those who don't, it's a supermarket. But, it's really kinda special. Or, it makes you feel special when you shop there. It's not that the food is so great, or unique...I've been to Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, & other's like that. I mean it's the feeling.
When we first got our Wegmans, I was so enthralled the kids used to say I was a Wegman's cheerleader! But I'm better now. And I don't mean this to be an ad for them, just a head's up for a couple of good products.
The 2 I'm showing here are the Wegmans basting oil & Wegmans Pan Searing Flour. They come in smallish bottles, and are kinda pricey...but you don't use that much & they're so worth it. You can use them for chicken breasts, fish fillets, meat (like browning meat for a stew,) & veggies.

Last night I made scallops, so you just heat a little of the basting oil, lightly coat them with the flour & sear them for a few minutes, turn them over with tongs and let the other side do the same, then cook for about 5 minutes longer. The main trick is to NOT move them or touch them when they are searing. They get a great crust, and come out having the most 'scallopy' flavor ever! I've been making them like this for a while now, and they really come out tasty every time.
I made some creamy risotto & wilted spinach with balsamic glaze to go with them, & it was a totally delish meal (if I do say so myself! ( My final 'plating' doesn't look much like Top Chefs, but it's a start. :-)

for other recipes using this stuff, see the Wegmas site, Voila~!
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